Sky Poem with Zonlai 25mm f/1.8 in E-mount

Finding Sky Limits

English is not my strong suite and I was born in Macau with Chinese as my main language at home and English is my secondary language. I love to write in English and my Chinese are fading as years go by. It is one of my retirement goals to go back read and write to improve my Chinese. Here is the poem that may have turned the picture south with the watermark

The sky so far and yet so close
Touches we imagine within inches we drift
Swing we rocket from trunks to clouds
Lord I ask to sky we aim
Limits we ignore and next we go

by Hin Man
Before I go to bed before ACL surgery, I was staring at this picture trying to think of my business plan, my personal focus in 2017, on what to do in photography. I want to have a website where I can start a part-time gig on photography. I have one of my best co-worker who signed up as my first customer. Yes, that has to happen after surgery on 3/15. I am not a poem or poetry writer and I actually don't even know the difference between two. Hope you understand the meaning. By morning or after surgery, I will re-look for typos, grammar and correction. This is as good as I can feel and as good as I can in preparing for my adventure in starting a side business on photography.

Please let me know what you think both good and bad. The picture was taken with Zonlai 25mm f/1.8 and I was strolling around a Honda dealership while servicing my car. And I was blessed with great clouds formation in likely early January.



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