It is a bad idea to purchase two lens at the same time, I get distracted in deciding which one to try out. I am as excited as ever with the two new lens. Initial impressions of the FA 50mm f/1.4 is very good. The color, focusing, stopping down to f/2.0 seems to go well although I find some f/2.0 shots at small text print to be way softer than using my DA 50-200 at f/4.0. It is too early to tell as I have only done few test shots for comparison. Shame but I try not to pixel peep at the pictures. In shooting few objects in my desktop today, I find the wonder in narrow DOF in the lens and I can't wait to try it on the ultimate purpose of this lens in the weekend with my kids. That is the whole idea for me in getting this lens for indoor portraits
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