Pentax K-x white and DA 40mm f/2.8 limited
likely the best K-x combo
likely the best K-x combo
In terms of quality, they are just as amazing that deliver quality in a small body. I always get amazed especially on the quality from DA 40mm limited as it is the thinnest of the trio in 21/40/77 and yet the IQ is excellent in the prime and its close focus is quite good at 0.4 meters.
K20D and DA 40mm f/2.8 limited
I can pretty much mount my DA 40mm limited and use it as a normal lens on both my K-x and K20D. The K-x has the edge over the K20D in smaller size and coupled with faster AF in the DA limited lens, I can hardly find a reason not to like the 40mm limited. And as many have noted, I have tried the DA 40mm limited on film body with Pentax SuperProgram. In program mode, I can pretty much use it with no issues on vignetting in the corners. With the SuperProgram, the 40mm is a really compact pancake waiting for light traveling. I have few pictures using DA 40mm f/2.8 limited with hood mounted on Pentax SuperProgram in P mode with film scanned by a lab
Pentax DA 40mm f/2.8 limited
on film with Pentax SuperProgram
on film with Pentax SuperProgram
DA 40mm on film
DA 40mm on film
And I tried out the DA70mm f/2.4 limited over the weekend on my white K-x along with Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 limited, the performance is good and I have not run its course for more uses, but I find both the high ISO capability of the K-x will work quite well with the DA limited primes . Even wide open shots in 6400 is pretty acceptable to me. I am casual shooter in image quality but it really warms my heart to take pictures of my boys not having my flash handy and the shots were done in indoor lighting and my boys are not standing still for the shots.
1/50 sec, f/4.0, 70mm, iso 6400, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
1/60 sec, f/2.4, 70mm, iso 6400, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x

1/60 sec, f/2.4, 70mm, iso 6400, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
1/125 sec, f/2.4, 70mm, iso 2500, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
1/125 sec, f/3.2, 21mm, iso 6400, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
1/13 sec, f/2.4, 70mm, iso 640, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
1/60 sec, f/2.4, 70mm, iso 6400, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
1/60 sec, f/2.4, 70mm, iso 6400, +0.7 Ev, Pentax K-x
Impressions & Notes
- Though all DA limited primes are small, they are quite outstanding in image quality.
- The DA 40mm f/2.8 surprises me with smallest in size but quite outstanding in real usage.
- Both the DA 40mm and 70mm can be used with FF film bodies such as Pentax SuperProgram in the Program mode or if a body has provision in aperture change in body, it will work with DA 40 and 70mm in aperture change. Capable film bodies with aperture control in body include many but I have used Pz-1 and P3n with good handling and results
- Though slower than the FA limited equivalent, they are the best to be used with the Pentax K-x if your objective is compact in size and lightweight in traveling
- AF is found faster in DA 70mm f/2.4. In the indoor shooting, I do find the lacking of AF to lock on target quickly and hence missed a number of shot opportunity
- The DA 21mm f/3.2 limited will have imaging circles when used on film bodies.
- The DA 35mm f/2.8 limited will work with film bodies better than 21mm limited but not as perfect as 40mm f/2.8 limited. I will report back in using DA 35mm f/2.8 with a roll of film for test reports.
- ISO 6400 are usable with the default medium NR setting. I have not tried but I think someone shooting it in raw and use Noise Ninja or Neat Image will have better outputs than my jpg with little to no post processing.
- Grain in the 6400 is appealing for black and white conversion
- I pushed the DA 70mm to its knees in f/2.4 and iso 6400 and results are reasonable but one will get better pictures with less pushing to the extremes.
- I dearly miss the AF-C switch in my K20D. I shot all test shots with AF-S and I think I will have more keepers had I changed to AF-C easily when the scene dictate the changes.
- Use of flash at the right scenes may be better suited than relying on the high ISO as the grain and a bit of detail loss warrant the use of bounce flash.
- Pentax K-x White Indoor High ISO with DA 40mm f/2.8
- Pentax K-x White in Disneyland
- Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 limited in Traveling
- Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 limited on Pentax SuperProgram
- Pentax DA primes on SuperProgram & MX
- Design a compact digital body for 2 million Crumpler bag
- Pentax K-x White with DA/FA limited Lenses
- Pentax SuperProgram
- Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 limited
- Pentax DA 35mm f/2.8 1:1 macro limited
- Pentax K20D
- Hin's Camear Gear
The rice bowl picture is really nice, and that white K-x with black pancake lens looks like a very good match! I shoot film mainly, but if I had to go back to digital, I'd probably choose a K-x over all the other cameras out there, seems like a pretty decent performer.
Yes Pentax K-x is quite a competent performer. I wish the K-x performance will lead to a better K-7 body in the follow up version of K-7.
How does the DA40 compare to the FA50? Do you prefer one to the other?
It is difficult for me to choose DA 40mm f/2.8 over the FA 50 f/1.4. I have both and not likely to trim one over the other. I use them for different purposes. I used the FA 50 for the low light and I use DA 40 for lightest and smallest in traveling. Color and bokeh are both nice and. It is easier to use the DA 40mm than the FA 50mm but the FA 50mm f/1.4 is full frame and film camera compatible. With the high iso shooting capability in K-x, I currently do favor more in using the DA 40 over the FA 50.
I have just bought the DA40mm that will be paired with the K-x over the FA 50 due to the lack of supply for the FA 50 and the outrageous prices. Hopefully I will be able to get one of them later. As of now i will have the kit lens and the DA40. Would you recommend the 17-70 next? Hopefully I will stop after one or two primes and a nice "1 do all (sorta)" lens.
Hi, I have the same camera and lens, and I am wondering if you have ever have a problem with focusing.
When I was using the kit lens, focusing was never a problem. It always capture the right object.
However, when I switched to DA 40mm, it often can't focus on the right object when I use VF.
However, with the same setting, shutter speed, lighting etc, using LV was able to focus one the right object.
I'm wondering what kind of setting do you use... AF.S with Center-spot focus with Matrix AE metering?
Hope that you can shed some light on this situation! :)
Thank you so much~
I am the fortunate one that I don't have front and back focus problems on my K-x. And I have used AF.S and center focus with matrix metering just like you. When I had my copy of DA 40, it was sharp and spot on in focusing.
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